Rules & Regulations
1. Relax….. it’s a Fun Ride - not a Race! Have Fun!
Entries are preferred online as it helps organizers plan better for you, however you will not be refused on the event day. T Shirt orders need to be placed online and will close 1 week prior to event. No Rider is permitted to partake in the event without signing an indemnity form.
Other than specialized events, the entry fee for the standard Funduro will be R300 per entry per adult and R100 for children 12 & under.
Families that have more than 2 riders per household will enjoy a family discount of the lowest entry fee waived.
A few examples:
3. Servicing and refueling will only be allowed in the demarcated pits area and on an environmental mat. A fire extinguisher must be close at hand.
4. No motorcycles will be allowed to race or be tested in the pits by any rider or crew member during any stage of the event. Failure to comply with any of the above will result in immediate exclusion.
5. NB!!! First gear if riding in or around the pits at all times. No Trick riding permitted (Wheelies, Stoppies etc.)
Riders who are judged to be speeding in the pit lane or pit area will be excluded from the event.
Every Rider takes part in this event on his/her OWN RISK.
It is you’re own responsibility to be prepared for the unforeseen break down or injury and will not be the responsibility of the event organizers to retrieve you or your motorcycle although the event organizers will do their best to assist.
It is your own responsibility to ensure that you have the relevant phone numbers on hand (medic, route director etc.)
You are advised to have a Cell phone at hand.
A Basic medical kit is strongly advised
Only off road motorcycles in good safe working order will be allowed
No Helmet-No Ride! Please ensure you have the adequate safety gear on!
7. All Motorcycles must:
-Be fitted with ball-ended clutch and brake levers unless fitted with a suitable wrap around protector. ii) Be fitted with brakes operating on front and rear wheels.
-Be fitted with a self-closing throttle.
-Be fitted with adequate mudguards.
-Not have any fuel leaks.
-Not discharge exhaust gasses or in any way inconvenience another motorcyclists.
-Be fitted with folding foot pegs.
The track/loop will be open for riding once the event organizer has completed the riders briefing and indicated that the track/loop is open. Riders are free to start in their own time. Riders may do as many loops as they are able to within the event time. Once the sweeps are sent out, no rider is permitted to enter on the track unless asking for permission from the event organizer and will also be at own risk outside the event regulation.
The route will be marked using orange markers on the left hand side of the route generally. A double orange marker will indicate a turn and will be placed on the side of the track to which direction you need to turn. Arrows and Signage may also be used in some instances. Cautions may be marked with caution boards or a lot of orange markers (Christmas tree) or exclamation marks.
Green markers are generally used to indicate the wrong way.
Please be attentive at Riders Briefing
As it is not a race, riders need to be considerate of all other riders and treat everyone with respect. Everyone is a Marshall. Lets help those in need and make every event enjoyable and rememberable
Slower riders need to give more experienced and faster riders the right of way.
Injuries – In the event of anyone being injured, riders are obliged to stop and render whatever assistance may be needed. In the case of a serious injury. DO NOT move the injured rider unless he is in a dangerous position. Notify the event medics immediately!
The Event Organizer reserves the right to alter the departure or cut off times if forced to do so, should circumstances so dictate.
The organizers will not be responsible for the recovery of motorcycles during or after the event, but will endeavor to assist wherever possible.
We have been afforded the privilege to stage this event and you are requested to be responsible in all instances so that this event can be retained for the future.
Riders, crews etc. are requested to make use of garbage bags/ bins provided.
Meals / refreshments will be on sale throughout the day at the venue.
12. Please respect animals, farmland and local communities as they have given us the privilege to be able to ride!
13. Please do not litter at event
14. Most importantly-HAVE FUN!
Thank you for your cooperation